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Product Management at Progressive Insurance

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Ever wondered what it's like to work for Progressive Insurance? Meet Sarah Deming, a Progressive Insurance Product Manager and dedicated Jopwell community member since 2017. Sarah offers a unique glimpse into the vibrant culture at Progressive. Join us as she shares her journey, revealing the experiences and insights that make Progressive an exciting place to grow and innovate.

Sarah’s Story

As a Product Manager at Progressive Insurance, my role uses skills related to general management rather than traditional tech product management. This is because the decisions I make impact the company’s bottom line. This autonomy in decision-making and the challenge to maintain a 4% profit margin is exhilarating. Choosing how to prioritize my efforts, working across cross-functional groups, and steering data-driven strategies is a challenge that keeps me engaged and motivated.

Why I Chose Progressive

Insurance is crucial for financial security and peace of mind. It’s about enabling people to take calculated risks. Progressive is a data-driven company, which allows us to rate fairly and do right by our policyholders. The care Progressive has for its customers was evident from my very first interview. Progressive's purpose and its dedication to its employees and customers resonated with me. After my interview, it was clear that this was where I wanted to build my career.

The culture at Progressive, focused on personal and professional growth, encourages its employees to move around in different functional and product areas. Progressive has not only supported my career development but has made it a place where I can see myself in the long term. I appreciate that there’s a lot of autonomy and decision making, and Progressive’s culture is one that values learning and growing. Its inclusive culture creates a supportive environment where I can risk, learn, and grow personally and professionally.

The Thrill of P&L Ownership

My favorite part of my role is the Profit & Loss (P&L) ownership. I like having a clear number at the end of the year that tells me the results of my product management work. It's a rare opportunity to have such direct metrics of success, and it gives me a clear picture of my impact, which I find motivating. With the autonomy Progressive provides its product managers, I get to decide how best to navigate the balance of growth and profitability, which keeps every day interesting.

Building a Successful Career at Progressive

My quantitative skills, business acumen, and the ability to prioritize effectively are imperative to my success at Progressive. The product manager role is a blend of art and science, requiring a deep understanding of data to support decision-making in combination with strong business insights. It’s important that I successfully work cross-functionally and build both internal and external relationships. Though I came into this role without prior insurance knowledge, Progressive gave me the training and resources to learn the insurance-specifics I needed.

Looking Ahead

For those with MBA aspirations or those looking to build a career as a Product Manager or General Manager, Progressive offers a unique and rewarding path. I chose to work at Progressive because I believe the insurance industry plays a vital role in society, and I stay because the culture supports personal and professional growth and development. If you're like me and want to find that role that challenges you and offers autonomy and P&L ownership, consider product management at Progressive. Progressive has open roles on the Jopwell platform, including positions in Product Management. If you're interested in a role at Progressive, take a moment to explore and apply for the available opportunities today. https://www.jopwell.com/partners/3073/jobs

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