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How Conversational AI is Growing in the Tech Field

Estimated reading time ~ 2 min
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Artificial Intelligence has been growing in the tech space for years now and we are currently moving in the direction of AI influencing every part of our daily lives. In order to understand the growth of AI, first, we have to acknowledge what AI means in the context of the tech space, how it is contributing to the future of how we do business, and what this means for individuals pursuing a career in tech.

AI and technology

AI or artificial intelligence enables computers to mimic the perception, learning, problem-solving, and decision-making capabilities of humans by creating interactions that are similar to those of everyday interactions with people. Today, AI is a part of our everyday lives, from Spotify playlist creation to Uber routes, and companies like LivePerson, which focuses on conversational AI, are continuing to drive the technology forward.

AI and doing business

Founded in 1995, LivePerson is a conversational AI company that makes life easier for people and brands everywhere by using simple and convenient messaging with leading brands like HSBC, Chipotle, David’s Bridal, and more just like we do with family and friends. By using data and AI, LivePerson is able to orchestrate agents and bots for conversations at scale in order to create personal experiences with millions of consumers.

In simple terms, AI is building a future of seamless customer experiences by creating optimal ways for technology to effectively and efficiently communicate with humans. Since messaging has become an integral part of how we communicate, brands are now incorporating AI into their own communications. That means just like you might text a friend to ask them to dinner, you could message businesses to order takeout, make a purchase, or ask a question—all from familiar messaging channels like Apple’s Messages app, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp. What separates LivePerson from other companies in this space is its deep expertise in conversational AI, built on decades of conversational data and built by world-class AI talent.

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Working in AI

But building AI and getting it out in the world doesn’t stop with engineers and data scientists. To thrive in this new world of AI that is all around us, LivePerson offers every employee, both technical and non-technical, a unique “AI Native” program. The educational program uses a combination of video courses, group discussions, and expert presentations to help everyone at the company learn the basics of AI. By becoming “fluent” in AI and how to apply it to their own projects, LivePerson’s employees are also preparing for the rest of their careers in an AI-driven world.

In addition to reimagining technological interactions, we are experiencing a major shift in the way we communicate and AI has become a major factor in the future of interaction. AI has not only made the world a more interesting place, but it has also resulted in a lot of opportunities for the job market. If you have any interest in the tech space, LivePerson is building a community of thought leaders from various fields to join their team of AI Natives. Check out a few tech and non-technical roles that you may be interested in here.

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